The  Sharkpedo Project

Development: Oct 2015 - Present

A Shark Steam Cleaner is transformed into a radio controlled battle bot. For the latest updates check out the Sharkpedo Project page

2016 Mini Bot Series

Crafty: Basic beetle bot held together with hot melt glue, based on an "Instructables" Beetle Bot posting. (SPDTs wired backwards and turned the wrong way)

Beetle: Improved version of Crafty  (DC motors needed more torque)

UNO: First RC bot using Arduino Controls and 6-Channel Transmitter/Receiver. Platform used for development.

Crash: RC bot utilizing transmitter and receiver PCB from a 5 Below RC Car. (Housing is difficult to 3D print and DC motors lacked torque, development ... sort of Crashed)

Rebel: Emerging from the ashes of Crash, Rebel is constructed from simple to print parts and has high speed gear motors. This RC bot is quick, nimble, and low cost.

Sparky:  The most self sufficient of the 2016 Mini Bots, this bot has an Ultrasonic distance sensor controlled by an Arduino micro controller with Seeed Studio Motor Shield V2. Once powered it will sense objects and turn out of the way. Check out Sparky's Project Page


Robots . Devices . Things


Development: November 2016

Simple 3D Standup Deer designed for the Imagine Nation Museum's winter activity. Design was intended for 0.165" corrugated card stock cut on their Epilog Laser but can also be 3D Printed.


Seed Starter Pots

Development: March 2016

Mechanical hardware and component seed starting pots. Each 3D printable pot can accommodate a 36mm seed starter soil pellet. Perfect for displaying and beginning a garden. Right Click on the images below and download linked file for stereolithography (STL) file. Remember to use *.stl file extension.

Recommend printing with >30% infill and  0.2 or better layer height to limit liquid penetration. Drain hole may need to be added to precent overwatering.

The Sharkpedo Project

XY Marker Plotter

Development: Jan 2016 - Present

Simple XY Plotter utilizing low cost stepper and servo motors. Functional Prototype was 3D printed and is controlled using an Ardunio Uno. Designs can be created using Inkscape with a custom g-code add-in. A motor control application was developed using Processing. This executable program will enable the user to manually control the X/Y axis as well as the pen engagement. The g-code file can be imported and run to generate a fairly accurate sketch. Enhancements are needed to allow different pens and to improve the control program interface and response. The current design holds a standard Expo brand whiteboard marker. A bullet tip marker is recommended.


Development: October 2016

Simple pumpkin with and without Jack-o-lantern face.

Recommend printing with >10% infill and  0.1 or better layer height to reduce topography map look on the upper portion of the pumpkin. FYI, each brand of filament seem to be a different shade of orange.